There's the old saying, "Ask an engineer what something does, and they will tell you how it works." Makes sense to me, so I must have some engineer in me.
Since I will be blogging a lot about Domino backend APIs, it seemed appropriate to provide baseline information and an architectural diagram I can refer back to in the future. I assume you are a developer that has an interest in (and maybe some experience already) writing programs that use the APIs to create or modify Domino data, so I am not going to explain a lot of really, really basic things about Domino programming in my blogs. The topics will definitely be pitched to the intermediate to advanced developer.
The diagram shows that the Domino API programming stack has four major layers -- the Application layer, the Backend layer, the Services layer, and the Database layer. The top layers call upon services provided by the lower layers, which I think is best described from the bottom up ...
The Database Layer. This layer contains the Notes/Domino databases (more recently called "applications) in the file system. I know this is a gross oversimplification, but each database contains a) a header record, b) design notes which contain UI and business logic for creating, indexing, viewing, and updating documents, and c) the documents themselves. A user "runs" a Notes/Domino database either in the context of the Notes Client or in the context of the HTTP task in a Domino server. These two programs interpret the design information in a database and present content to the user through a window application (e.g. a Notes Client running on Windows) or through a browser connected to the HTTP task in the Domino server.
The Services Layer. This layer has thousands of individual functions for creating and maintaining database content. You can run your applications offline using the Notes Client because the functions in this service layer are installed on both the Notes Client and on the Domino Server. (And also because Notes data is universally replicatable. You make a "replica" copy from the Domino server to your workstation, then use Notes on your workstation to run your application locally, and then replicate your changes back to the Domino server later).
The service functions are written either as C functions or as C++ functions with C wrappers, and many of these C functions and wrappers are exposed through the Notes/Domino SDK. In general, the most functionality is available to your programs by tapping directly into the Services Layer using the SDK, while the higher-level layers, because of the work involved in developing and testing them after the C layer is created, make a little less functionality available.
An interesting feature of the Services layer is NRPC (Notes Remote Procedure Call). NRPC is a switch that directs database-related calls by the higher-layer programs shown in the diagram to either the local implementation (to work on local databases) or to an implementation on a remote Domino server (to access a database there). So except for the one case when an application first opens a database, specifying either a local one or one on a remote Domino server, NRPC makes it totally transparent whether they are working with local or remote data for all other database operations after that.
The Backend Layer. This layer implements the different higher-level language bindings onto the Services layer. For example, when the Notes Client is interpreting a Notes application and encounters an @formula, it calls the formula-language engine in the Backend layer to "run" the formula, which results in one or more calls into the Services layer. Ditto for LotusScript and Java code. Three of the language bindings -- LotusScript, Java, and COM -- are layered on top of the "Backend Object Model," which provides a common Object-Oriented data model across all three languages. For example, LotusScript presents a class called "NotesDocument," which has a set of methods and properties similar to those of a Java class called "Document" presented by the Java binding. Each language binding has its own idiosyncrasies, resulting in some minor differences from binding to binding, but otherwise all bindings are substantially the same object model.
The Backend layer provides two ways to access the Java bindings onto the Backend Object Model -- "local" Java applications (Java applications that run on a computer with the Notes or Domino dlls installed) link with Notes.jar, while "remote" Java applications (Java applications that run on a computer without the Notes or Domino dlls installed) link with NCSO.jar. Remote Java applications require that the Domino server runs the DIIOP server task to complete the server-side connection and hook into the backend instance on the Domino server. A local Java application can access both local and remote Domino databases through the magic of NRPC. A remote Java application can access only remote databases on Domino servers.
The Application Layer. This is the layer where you, the developer who writes programs that access Notes/Domino data, do your work.
Notice that the diagram shows two types of application runtime environments -- a "local" runtime environment where Notes or Domino dlls are installed, and a "remote" runtime environment where they are not.
Let's look at applications that run in a local runtime environment first.
The vast majority of Notes/Domino developers use the Domino Designer to create Notes/Domino applications, which are always run in a local runtime environment because Notes/Domino applications are read up and presented to a user by either the Notes Client running on a GUI operating system or by the Domino server, which presents the application via HTML to a browser user -- in both cases, either Notes or Domino must be installed.
In addition, there are many situations -- usually encountered by business partners who need to access Notes/Domino data a part of a larger application -- where using the Domino Designer to write a Notes application does not meet their needs. For example, a Java program running on a non-Domino machine may want to input some data from a Domino database. Or a Visual Basic application running on a workstation where Notes is installed may need some data from Notes' local database or from a database on a remote Domino server (via NRPC). We provided alternative bindings to satisfy these types of requirements, too.
Local Java applications, .NET applications, and C/C++ applications are always run in a local runtime environment, calling down on a single programming stack to the functionality provided by the Services layer. Up above, I described how a local Java application uses Notes.jar to bind to the backend object model. We also provide a way for .NET applications to use COM to bind to the backend object model. C/C++ applications bypass the backend object model completely and call directly into the low-level functions in the Service layer, as shown in the diagram.
Now let's turn to applications that run in a remote runtime environment, where neither Notes nor Domino is installed.
As noted above, if a remote application is written in Java, it can bind to NCSO.jar and connect to the Java backend object model on a Domino server that is running the DIIOP task. Whether or not a remote application is written in Java, it can also access data in a Domino database via HTTP calls made to a Domino server running the Domino HTTP task. Most of the HTTP requests supported by the HTTP task return information in HTML format. But others -- for example, ReadViewEntries -- return a response data payload in xml format.
Wrap-up. Whew! That's a lot of stuff to condense down into one diagram and a few paragraphs. As I said earlier, though, this day's blog -- especially the architecture diagram, which took me a long, long time to prepare and is why I haven't posted blogs for a while -- will provide the basis of many future blogs.
This helped me a lot to make understand our secuity team how remote calls to domino work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such a good diagarm.